The additional inputs besides the regular teaching are provided by the faculties during the sessions as well as additional programs like guest lectures and industrial visits are organized. Faculties conduct the role play, debate, presentation of the individual as well as group of students. Various activities are conducted to develop the team building, leaderships, communication, creativity and critical thinking skills among the students. Students are actively participate in inter collegiate event/competition such as poster presentation, One minute movie making, street plays, C/C++ programming, quiz, Mad-Ad etc. Students are also participating in cultural programs, teacher’s day celebration etc.
Students undertake the summer internship training in industry where they are learning the real problems and issues pertaining to their specialized area and tracks. In research dissertation students also study real life issues pertaining to the different specialization. The institute has arranged industrial visits for MBA & MCA students for learning real life situations of the industry.
Faculties are also adopting case study methodology, field work, mini projects Practical’s/Lab assignments, Android sessions, Web page development, Hands on software testing etc. for teaching - learning.